Wednesday 9 November 2016

"Before the Flood," there was HOPE

" If we pollute the air, the water and the soil that keeps us alive and well, and destroy the biodiversity that allows natural systems to function, no amount of money will save us." David Suzuki

Yesterday was my birthday. The day was sunny and warm. Truly beautiful and so unlike most November 8th birthdays I have experienced in my 50 something years. The weather is changing. I sent my children off in their hoodies and sneakers again this morning, odd for this time of year. I've been sending little ones  to school for 20 some years now and they are always in winter coats and boots by now. But not this year. Things are changing. The weather is changing.

Beautiful weather for my birthday yesterday but should I be concerned?
 Usually, this time of year as I'm putting our Halloween pumpkins down at our compost bin, we may have experienced our first light snow days and all my leaves have been raked. But not this year, leaves are still intact on many of the trees in our yard.

A few of our chickens checking out their new compost friends.

And as I prepare our front door, with newly pruned fir and pine branches, our cat Ryuuki sits happily on the front mat. The weather is still nice enough for him to enjoy outside. He usually starts his winter hibernation at the end of October! But not this year.

The one wish I didn't get for my birthday yesterday didn't materialize. As my family and I gathered around the T.V. watching the election results from the States, I became more and more perplexed. I understand the majority of Americans want a drastic change with regards to their government, but really, how can they put their faith in a man who denounces global warming? Who has a senator in Florida, Marco Rubio, who believes the same, even while his State is being flooded with water?

I try to listen to their thoughts, their feelings their views.

I try to understand them better. I know they want good jobs and a decent standard of living but really, if there is no air to breathe, clean water to drink, or healthy food to eat, what kind of life will they have? What kind of life will any of us have? The earth and the animals in it, are telling us NOW, to make changes.

 I'm a bit depressed this morning and yet, the day after my birthday, the day after the election, there are seeds of empowerment. 

As long as HOPE (Helping Our Planet Earth) exist, miracles can happen.

Want to know what I wish for each year? I can't tell you or it won't come true but I think you can probably guess if you know have read any posts in my blog.

And the great part is I know, I'm not alone. WE can make a difference and a change in the world. Each of us has a choice to make. With awareness come wisdom. As Maya Angelou said, "When you know better, you do better." 

Oh, I know it isn't easy, we live in such a fast paced world right now. We are all racing around, working hard to earn money for our families. We don't have time to think about using our trips to town more wisely, or even if we really need to leave our homes at all. We don't have time thinking about where our food comes from, or the packaging it arrives in. We don't have time to be creative, making things from scratch or stretching what we do have, a bit farther. Heck, it even takes time to clean out our recycled cans, and bottles. Do we even have time to contemplate how we would like to walk the earth more gently. We are just too busy trying to live.

But most of us do know now that something has to shift. We can feel the frantic intensity around us. Sadly, many of us feel alone or that we are too small to make a difference.  

What can we do?
Please join me in viewing the documentary called, "Before the Flood, " with Leonardo DiCaprio. If you feel as I do, please share the link to this movie and watch it with your family and friends. We need to start talking about it, and taking steps to make changes. 

We can do this.

 WE are stronger together and I believe in miracles.

Here's the link to the documentary, "Before the Flood," if you unable to see it below.

This week has illuminated many insights for me, but the most important of all, and if you are following Deepak and Oprah's meditation challenge on peace and connection you know where I'm coming from, it's our relationship with our inner spirit. When we heal from within, then we are able to connect more fully with others. We also will be moving with the knowledge that money, power, notoriety, are not what this journey is about. 

Can you guess what it's REALLY about? What do you think? Well, my heart says it's about love. When we come from a place of love, then healing happens. When we come from a place of love, we can do anything. ANYTHING! And so, healing the earth, making connections, yes they are all possible if we keep love in our heart. 

So if you are like me, and feeling a bit overwhelmed, maybe even depressed about what has just occurred in the United States in the last 24 hours, go within, breathe, connect with that inner child, tell her or him that it's going to be okay. The world will be okay. You are loved, you are worthy, and everything you are experiencing is perfect. Let your fears go and trust that the world is going to be okay too....with love, we can heal ourselves, each other AND the earth. 

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope

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