Wednesday 26 November 2014

Being Grateful...Happy Birthday to my Sister

After a really tough week, yes another tough week, I'm so very grateful.

If you have been following along with what's going on in my life, things have been falling apart around here; zippers, dryers, furnaces, and then on the weekend I broke a tooth while eating popcorn watching a movie. Yes, I'm doing the shift and let go dance every day, while remembering on my most difficult days that I often grow the most as a soul. I'm learning A LOT lately.

Tomorrow, is my sister C's birthday. As I was making up an email note for her this evening, I came across the most beautiful Grateful song I really wanted to share with my blog readers. Also, with many of my friends from the States celebrating their Thanksgiving tomorrow I thought it was very appropriate. While they are eating turkey and pumpkin pie this weekend, I will be counting my blessings and remembering how fortunate I am to have sisters, and blog sisters as well all over the world. What are you thankful for? The practice of writing down 5 things that you are grateful for really does generate more happiness into our lives. What are your top 5 things you are grateful for?

Today for me, I'm grateful for:

1. A wise and wonderful sister who inspires me to live my best life. (and two others who love me, too)

2. A son with a working zipper on his coat and a GREAT HAT.

3. A dryer that is working.

4. Two gas fireplaces that are working until the heating guy can repair our furnace

5. A wonderful dentist who can get me in next week to repair my tooth

.....and the list goes on and on, health, home, food, family, friends and as my beautiful son Harrison often says when I ask, "how are things?"  he says, "LG mom," translated's GOOD!

So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my dear sister, C....and

Happy Thanksgiving to my U.S. sisters.

Check out this Youtube video, Gratitude, a love song to the world...I hope it inspires you and brings you joy. (click on the hyper link if you can't see it below)

Until I see you again, may you be well, HAPPY and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope

Tomorrow is my sister C's birthday and as I sent her an email greeting because my birthday card is not going to get to her in time, I

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