Wednesday 23 December 2015

Hope is a Star...and Christmas Fruitcake


I'd like to share a story I wrote several years ago. This is the 50th Christmas since my Dad left the earth and it seems like a fitting tribute. This is for you Dad, my shining star and for my mother, who has now joined him and also guides me on my journey.

                                                         Hope is a Star

The Christmas I remember most poignantly, was wrapped in deep sorrow and sadness. It was December 1965 and I had just turned 6 years old. My family and I lived in the small town of Hope, B.C., on the west coast of Canada. My three older sisters had been heard to say our little town was, "beyond hope, as there wasn't a lot for children and teenagers to do. Still, I loved our quaint little town, nestled next to tall, forested mountains and I felt safe and happy in the white clapboard house that my father, (and mother) had built for us, adding on piece by piece over the years as our family grew. It glowed with the happy hum of a loving family. But that Christmas lay quiet and dark.

My father, Marvyn Clark, had been killed in an Esso company, truck accident on the Hope Princeton highway the September before. He had left my mother alone, struggling to care for myself and my three older sisters. Since I was young, I didn't comprehend the depths of despair or grief but I felt it. It lay heavy on me, like when I would burrow under a pile of fake fur and wool coats thrown on my parent's bed when company arrived. I couldn't breathe.

Wonderful smells of cinnamon and ginger didn't waft from the kitchen and there weren't sounds of tissue rustling or my mother's sewing machine creating magic into the wee hours of the night. There was no trip to the mountains to choose the most perfectly shaped and fragrant fir tree, nor was there any adult laughter or music coming from our living room after I had been tucked away for the night. When my dad was alive, I would often fall asleep listening to him tapping away on his typewriter, or playing his violin and oh, the deep comforting smell of his presence; rich pungent with a hint of pipe tobacco and gasoline, I missed that the most.

A friend of my mother's took my sister, J and I, to the big city to see Santa. While it was an adventure to leave our small town, and the sweet peppermint candy cane I received after sitting on Santa's lap was delicious, a piece of me had been shattered and knew, not even Santa could bring what I longed for most. My Dad.

J and I visiting Santa the Christmas after Dad was killed, 1965

That Christmas Eve stands out as a pivotal shift among the stillness of the season. I wore a red, hand me down dress with scratchy crinoline and white tights, that annoyingly needed to be pulled up every few moments. We attended our family's United Church candlelight service and listened to the story of how God's love illuminated the world with a star and a baby.

As we walked home in the crisp, cold evening, our boots crunched on the newly fallen snow. I looked up into the black velvet sky to see the brightest star. It seemed to follow us on our path home and no matter which way we turned, it hovered over head. Finally, we arrived at our darkened home and my mother and sisters stepped into our little front porch, stamping the snow off of their boots but I hung back. I hesitated to look up for fear the star had vanished but then, a sense of peace poured through me as I scanned the sky once more, only to find it still shimmering with brilliant light right above my head. I was sure it was glowing, just for me.

At last, I could bear the bone chilling air no longer, I took one last look and joined my family. Warm light was spilling out our front door and I could hear the hum of voices within.

                                                                                                                     ~The End~

Merry Christmas!

I have held HOPE in my heart ever since that Christmas and like that special star, it never wavers. I KNOW we are loved and cared for. We may not understand why life has to be so hard at times but we need to just trust and let go, knowing, all shall be well.

Please join me in going down memory lane with some photos from Christmases in Hope

MY Dad, Marvyn and my mom Ethel Clark
Here, I am as a little one, Debra Lee...aka Hope
A typical Christmas morning while my dad was still alive...Dad, my sister J and myself in the curls in my hair
While we were not well off, we were wealthy in so many in hard work, integrity, honesty and love
My sister C was a teenager when Dad passed away...this was from a happier Christmas

The Four Clark girls, that's me on the left, then my oldest sister B, then J and finally my second oldest sister, C

My family...the Clark's
I love this picture of my parents...Dad looks so happy and notice my mom touching his hand...they loved each other so much
My Dad and my sisters and I with the snowman we made in front of our house...I think this was the last winter before Dad died
Well dearest blog family, I hope you enjoyed going down memory lane with me and I hope that you remember, the real Christmas magic, is holding hope in your heart. It lights us up, allowing us to live a richer life full of meaning and most important of all, and what God gave us so many Christmases ago,................................................................... LOVE   

Before I go and get my family ready for our family pictures today, I wanted to share with you my own fruitcake recipe. After we come home from our candlelight service on Christmas eve, we light a single white candle on the cake and we sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus. It helps to keep the true meaning of Christmas foremost in our minds before the gift giving portion the following morning. Maybe, if you share the same sort of belief as I, you can add it as one of your family traditions. There is something about mixing a big bowl of fruitcake that takes me right back to Christmases with my mom....and my Dad and helps me keep our house humming.

Hope's Baby Jesus Fruitcake


1/4 lb of sliced almonds
1/2 lb (about 11/2 cups) of dark raisins
1/2 lb mixed peel or glazed fruit
1/4 cups glazed or well drained maraschino cherries..sliced
2-1/2 cups pre-sifted all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1-1/4 cups sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp grated lemon rind
1- 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
4 eggs 
(cooking oil to grease pans)


Grease and line cake tins with 3 layers of heavy waxed paper or 2 layers of brown paper. Grease each piece of paper with cooking oil. Blanche and halve the almonds; then toast in moderate oven. Combine in large bowl with raisins, peel and sliced cherries

Measure 1/2 cup flour without sifting and add to fruit, stirring until fruit is well coated. Measure remaining 2 cups flour without sifting, add baking powder and salt and stir thoroughly to blend

Cream butter until fluffy, gradually add sugar, mixing until creamy. Add flavouring and then the eggs; one at a time, beating well after each addition. Mix in dry ingredients until well combined. Blend in fruit and nuts. Fill Cake tins 2/3.

Bake at 325 F for 1 1/2 to 2 hours....when toothpick comes out clean. Happy Birthday Jesus!

Yummy!....but then I'm kind of old fashioned.

As I leave you, I am singing the lovely hymn our United church sings every Christmas eve. If you can't see the YouTube link on the hyper link to hear, "Hope is a Star." (it's really catchy and you may find yourself humming it over the holidays)

1. Hope is a star that shines in the night,
leading us on till the morning is bright.

When God is a child there's joy in our song.
The last shall be first and the weak shall be strong,
and none shall be afraid.

2. Peace is a ribbon that circles the earth,
giving a promise of safety and worth.

3. Joy is a song that welcomes the dawn,
telling the world that the Saviour is born.

4. Love is a flame that burns in our heart.
Jesus has come and will never depart.

I hope your holiday is filled with the magic of the season and you hold the true meaning of Christmas in your heart for the whole year through.

The little reindeer on our mantle is a treasure from my long as I can remember it was in our home

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope


Sunday 20 December 2015

For the Love of Books and Pumpkin spice cookies


The last month has been busy around the homestead, or rather off the homestead. The little girls had their watching week at ballet.

And then there was their first foray on the ice with skating lessons twice a week and I mean literally, on the ice, as that is where they spent the first few lessons. Then I started taking them out in between lessons and even joined them on ice during lesson time and they are now starting to glide. Little children learn so fast!

Yesterday was their last skating lesson before the holidays begin and they have really come a long way. Sorry, no pictures of how that looks as I was on the ice with them.

Victoria on ice...Kate up for a moment...first skating lesson

 Will also started introductory hockey lessons which went really well from all accounts. David was taking him to those lessons, as they conflicted with the girl's skating. I did see him briefly for one lesson and he was skating really well and had a good handle of the game....even got a few goals. In the new year I have all the little kids booked for figure skating lessons.

Harrison started basketball really late in the season, as they didn't have a coach. Finally, one brave parent, who knows something about basketball, stepped forward and they now have had two games, of which they have been soundly beaten. No pictures of those moments either....too depressing, however after each game, I always remind Harrison that we learn far more from our failures than our successes. And in that light, is losing really a failure? (he says, yes!...hmmmm)

Grace was busy with her music theory, piano and her voice lessons. On her birthday weekend she had her voice recital and her choir concert. Then a few hours later was climbing the walls with her friends, celebrating her 13th birthday.  Happy Birthday my early Holiday baby. (She was due to be born on the 18th...can you imagine....I would have had her on the 18th, Harrison's birthday on the 19th and Clark's on the 20th...I'm glad she decided to come early in December)

Grace at home before leaving for the voice recital

Grace at our local climbing gym, celebrating her 13th birthday with friends...over the next few years, I hope I don't feel like climbing the walls raising another teenage daughter

Then there were all those Christmas parties to attend, Will's gingerbread house making party at school of which I didn't get a picture, as I was up to my wrists in icing, as he was pasting the candies on the house. Then there was the little girl's party at Kindermusik.

My sugar cookies and gingerbread...our offering for our Kindermusik class
The little girls at home before the first party....which at the last minute got cancelled and I had to bake another batch of cookies the next week...because you know...the first batch didn't last long in our house

The girls in the loft at the music school with their teacher Jennifer

Jennifer, their teacher always goes all out...these are the cute snow people they made during Kindermusik class...sticky sock snow people is what the girls call them
One day the girls just wanted to dress up at reason...just because and I thought I would snap a few pictures....they are growing up too fast but boy is Christmas magically this year as they are always whispering about what Santa might bring them.....we have talked a lot about the spirit of giving this year...and sharing with others.

Grace and Will off to school holding the Christmas shoe boxes they will donate via Sarmitan's Purse....they enjoyed collecting things for children less fortunate this holiday season

 In the rare moments when we were home, I was madly throwing laundry into machines, loading or unloading the dishwasher, putting together whatever meal was needed and trying to decorate our house for the holidays. I did take a few moments to do some crafts with the little girls and set up their favourite activity of all. Playing tea party.

This is the sweetest Beatrix Potter tea set that Grace was given years ago

I think Victoria is all about the cookies
And Kathryn likes the Christmas mint tea I brew for them

Then yesterday my sweet son, Harrison Drew turned 17 years old. Watch out drivers in Vernon because he is now able to get his classified "N" driver's license. Happy Birthday Harrison!

Here is David out barbequing burgers on our little camping grill as we had run out of propane on our large barbeque

After a dinner of burgers, fries, salad, (this is my kid that likes meat) Harrison is ready to blow out his candles....."mom do we have to take so many pictures?" Me....yes!

So after a flurry of activities in the past month, I'm finally able to slow down a bit. Whew. It's Sunday morning and all is quiet, well sort of. Not really. In a house with 6 children still residing, 3 of whom are still young, is it ever quiet? But it's peaceful enough for me to write a few lines in my blog before the day gets going. Also, when I padded into the kitchen to get my morning cup of water and lemon, I noticed out the kitchen window that it's snowing. REALLY snowing. Wait, I'll go and capture a picture....okay, so it has slowed down a bit but this is how our view has changed:

This only a few weeks ago....

And now this today...Dec 20th 2015. You can't really tell but it's lightly snowing in the picture...when I was up earlier it was really dumping...I like to share these pictures for those blog viewers who live in warmer climates....snow is really magical!

Although I love to curl up with a good book any time of the year, there is something special about hibernating inside on a snowy day, brewing a  cup of spicy tea, sitting in our big, comfy chair in the corner of our living room  and opening up a book, savouring each word written within. If you are like me, or are looking for a last minute Christmas gift for a book lover, check out the following books. This is my year end list of favourite books.

Here they are: Some classics that I may have written about before but if you are interested in growing your own food and becoming sustainable these are entertaining reads.

"The Dirty Life" by Kristin Kimball....which I found to be a sweet love story

And then there is "Farm City" by Novella Carpenter....which is a delightfully funny and entertaining story of a gutsy woman, farming in the roughest neighbourhood in Oakland, California...(hey my mom was born in Oakland)

And then a compelling read that is both tragic and yet heart warming. I couldn't put this book down one weekend. "This Life is in Your Hands," is written by the daughter of Eliot Coleman, who was trying to live and raise his young family in a totally sustainable life with mentors such as Scott and Helen Nearing. They had written the book,"A Good Life," and were a couple who lived a totally sustainable life last century and inspired many young people to adopt their lifestyle. Eliot Coleman and his wife were one of those couples and this book is written from their daughter's perspective. It made me want to get my hands dirty and bake bread.....but with thoughts towards how it impacts the next generation.

"This Life is in Your Hands~one dream, sixty acres, and a family undone" by Melissa Coleman


and then for a shift in genres this year ends and I think about a New Year approaching, I read a wonderful soul FULL book, recommended by my sister C. I loved it so much, that I took up valuable space in my sister J's luggage this winter, in order for her to take the book to my daughter in London for Christmas. As long as I can remember, our oldest daughter Alyssa has had at least one book under the tree, and often many. For this Christmas I thought this was the best book I could send her. It was thought provoking and has lingered with me as I live THIS lifetime. This book will come into your life when you ready to read the message.

"One Great Year" by Tamara Veitch and Rene DeFazio

And out of all the books that I read with my Soul Circle group, these are a few that I really cherished.

One was, "The Untethered Soul" by Michael A. Singer. If I were to recommend only one book to help you on your soul's journey, this book would be IT!

 and the other was sweet and held an interesting concept that I totally embrace. Such an inspiring story written by a sister....and her brother who has left this earth school. Read it with an open mind.

"The Afterlife of Billy Fingers," by Annie Kagan

Then switching genres AGAIN, because I have such diverse interests, since I ventured into the realm of minimalism this past year, here are a few books that I would recommend, if you are wanting to live a richer life.

"Minimalism, live a meaningful life," by Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus

This is a modern day classic for those of us who want more

 and then THE CLASSIC....
"Walden" by Henry D. Thoreau, who was the ultimate minimalist and has captured my heart with his lyrical text.

Another shift.....I found Mimi Kirk this year and would LOVE to introduce her to you as well. Although I'm not living a totally raw lifestyle, eating a large, plant based diet is my focus for my health and well being as I age. If you are interested in this way of living, eating, being, check out one of her AMAZING books. It's not just about what we put in  mouths, but what we put in our minds. THIS lovely woman exudes health, joy, peace and love. I want what she has! Check her out and try a few of her wonderful recipes.

"Live Raw" by Mimi Kirk


And finally before I move onto what I like to eat while I'm pumpkin spice cookies, (yes, while not raw....are restorative for my soul as they are homey) I wanted to share a few books the little kids and I have been reading this fall.

The first is exquisite!

"Winter's Gift," by Jane Monroe Donovan, who is not only the author but the illustrator of this stunning book. If you love horses and have experienced loss, this story will touch your heart. My children were enchanted by the hauntingly beautiful pictures and story.                                                      

and then a book that makes me cry EVERY time I read it to my children, "The Shine Man," by Mary Quattlebaum and Illustrations by Tim Ladwig. If you want to read a story about what Christmas is all about...pure love....this is a moving and touching story.

As you can tell, I love beautifully illustrated books for my children.

And finally, a chapter book that I'm reading to my 6 year old and my 4 year old twins. After years of reading books with pictures, I'm trying to read chapter books to them so they can make pictures in their heads. They are all extremely engaged with this story that takes place in Paris, about three small children who are homeless at Christmas time and a hobo, who puts them under his wing...and his heart.

After bath time each night, we cuddle together under my silky, down comforter and open this lovely book, allowing the story to unfold, chapter by chapter. It's been a highlight in our day and has opened many discussions about children less fortunate all over the world.

"The Family Under the Bridge." by Natalie Savage Carlson is an endearing book for the holidays


Over the holidays, I have a book that I can't wait to sink's called, "The Long Road Home," by Mary Alice Monroe. I bought it during one of our library book fairs (do you have these in your area? it's a GREAT way to buy some books) and finally, FINALLY, I have some time to read it.


 What are you reading this time of year! Whatever it is......

 Happy Reading! I hope there is something on my list that will inspire you to make a cup of tea and open a book this holiday season.

Hopefully, you will also try making my absolutely, yummy, pumpkin spice cookies. But warning.... they go fast...really fast! You may want to double the recipe.

I'm really glad to get this recipe on my blog at long last as well, since the paper it's written on is getting hard to read. Now I can refer to it quickly when I need to whip up an easy, fairly healthy cookie, perfect for those snowy days when you just want to stay in doors, sip tea and read a good book.

Hope's Pumpkin Spice Cookies


11/4 cup of sugar (brown of course)
1/2 cup of margarine or butter...I prefer the later
2 eggs
1 tsp real vanilla
1 cup of canned pumpkin (I buy the 15 ounce can and often double this recipe as it goes fast)
2 cups of flour....your choice but I like to use whole wheat flour
4 tsp. of baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg,
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp cloves
Dusting of icing sugar
(optional 1 cup of chocolate chips....but personally and in my son's Harrison's opinion...stick with the plain pumpkin which is perfect....and since it was his birthday yesterday that is what I recommend...healthier too....but if you like can add as a variation)

Here's the easy mix it all together in a big bowl...make sure you whip your sugar into your butter really well and add your eggs one at a time to get a creamy consistency and then add all your dry ingredients. It's so easy...then you get a big spoon and drop the cookie dough onto an ungreased pan, and bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 15 minutes.

Let them cool on the pan for about 5 minutes and then take off, dusting them with some icing sugar and put them on a cookie rack to cool completely. "Oh la la!" as the tramp in the book, "The Family Under the Bridge," would say, these cookies are melt in your mouth delicious.

My pumpkin spice cookies and a pot of chai tea...perfect together...all I need now is a comfy chair and my book

Please take a cookie......
Before they are all GONE!
If you are like me during the holidays, you are multi-tasking. I like to bake, while watching a Christmas movie....this movie, (below) happens to be a favourite of mine....and one my mother liked very much as well. It of course, is based on a book...aren't the best movies from books?

 The author, Donna Van Liere, has written several lovely, sweet Christmas stories that are easy to start but hard to put down until they are finished.

Another is called, The Christmas Hope.....which I must admit, being partial to a nice title. you can tell, books are a passion of mine...and movies which are made from books.

 Have you seen the "Christmas Shoes?" If not, I'm sure it will become a classic for your family as well. Other than "It's a Wonderful Life" and "Christmas Vacation," oh my, I guess I need to write another blog post all about my fav Christmas movies, this is one I like to watch each season So if you have an evening when you are baking....start it up but have a hankie nearby.

If you can't see the link below, click on the hyper-link to the "Christmas Shoes."

and enjoy...IN JOY!

Well, I'm off to get some celebration things ready for my oldest son, Clark's birthday. I can't believe he is 23 today. I have been given so many memorable holidays with Christmas babies in our house. No babies this year but then I wouldn't be able to write to you on my blog....what is that quote?


May your season be full of peace, joy and love...and great books.

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope