Thursday 21 December 2017

Magic in the Air and Christmas Shortbread Cookies

Our valley has once again been covered in a sparkling, blanket of white. Driving my kids to school this morning, I uttered the words I have said several times in the last two days. "Isn't it breathtaking?"

It's so stunningly, beautiful, it makes me cry.

As I write this post, it's snowing again lightly. You can't even see the lake below our house. Magical!

Although winter has it's draw backs in many cases; the biting cold and it took us longer to get going yesterday morning, as both David and I had to clear the drive way, but what it brings to my life is well worth it.

We are forced to slow down a bit more, take our time as we move out into the world. In that pace, a beacon of light shines into my soul and insights often occur. They are light houses, guiding me safely on my journey. Inspiring me to keep going.

 As the snow lightly fell as I was shoveling yesterday, I was thinking how each of us is like a precious snowflake; unique and stunningly beautiful. We have the ability to change the world by the choices we make every day. And yet, many of us squander that time. We rush around with our to do lists running through our heads like a chiming mantra.

Do we feel joy?

Do we feel peace?

Do we feel hope?

and most important of all.....

Do we feel love?

I can tell you the answer to that, at least from my perspective, and that is a resounding, "NO!"

While this is a magical time of year in so many ways, many of us are driven by the lists running in our heads. We are stressed and burnt out. We get sick easier, as we are not sleeping long enough to get a good rest. We are generally feeling unwell. It's like a vicious circle that keeps us down.

One of my sons, dealing with University exams and deadlines, was recently finding the stress debilitating. When he would call me in a panic, I would simply remind him to fill his lungs deeply and slow down to get grounded.

Stop and


Are exams life and death?

Let's put things in perspective here.

We have a choice how we want to feel.

We have a choice how we impact the world around us too.

The other day when I was walking around the grocery store, list in hand, trying to get out as fast as I could so I could pick up the kids from school, I saw a neighbour in the produce department. I think she saw me too out of the corner of her eye and she quickly moved on.... probably with a similar list in hand. Just as well, I thought as I moved into the bread section, as I can get out of here more quickly.

Then we literally ran into each other in the dairy section. We had to STOP and talk to each other. I'm so glad too as that short little, sweet interlude, catching up on each other's lives; each other's Christmas holiday happenings,propelled me forward, reminding me why we are on this planet together.

We are here to support each other and make life more pleasant. I left the store with a smile on my face and I hope she felt some warmth too.

We can make a difference in each other's lives by caring about each other, by smiling and giving a hug, by wishing each other all the best in life, not just at this holiday time, but ALL year through.

My kids get this. They don't move through their days with lists in their heads or their hands. Nope...but if there was a list running through their little brains, its would be for them to experience




 more FUN!

 And they are naturally kind too. They don't need to slow down because they are already at a perfect, in sync pace with the world. They live in the moment. They breathe deeply. They laugh from the belly, and they hug without restraint.


I can take a few lessons from them....oh and dogs and cats are good at teaching life lessons too.

So I hope that you are able to take a moment this holiday season.


be still,

listen to the silence



Chat with a neighbour, hug a child, sit with a pet.

Listen to the bells of silence,

They are ringing with magic.

Let it resonate deep into your soul.

Let the beauty of the season make you weep.


This life is so precious.

You are so precious!

And speaking of magic.....I want to share my whipped shortbread with you. Yes, they are magic in a little cookie. I got this recipe from an dear, dear, co-worker, Elaine, years ago. She gave it to me when I was in my twenties and I've been making it every year since.

 Now it is part of our Christmas tradition. Each time I make it, I think of Elaine and smile.

If you don't have a great shortbread recipe, let this be part of your tradition too.'s so easy!

Last night, I stayed up late making these cookies and watching, "It's a Wonderful Life." "Yawn!", but it was worth it. This movie is also a yearly tradition. It reminds me how deeply each of us touch each other. Instead of giving gift cards to our children's teachers this year, we decided to give them a piece of our Christmas tradition....a tin of these cookies and some tea and a little snowflake ornament, reminding them how unique they are.

I hope you try making these cookies and years to come, and as you make them, you will think of Hope and smile.

Hope's Whipped Shortbread Cookies


1 lb of unsalted butter
3 cups of flour
1/2 cup cornstarch
1 cup icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla
Opt: package of Toblerone chocolate
Christmas sprinkles or glazed cherries


Cream butter, add remaining ingredients and beat until fluffy. Roll into balls, press down with a fork.
Decorate with little chunks of Toblerone chocolate and Christmas sprinkles. You can also grate the Toblerone and add it to the cookie dough. A classic for this cookie, is decorating them with red and green glazed cherries.

Bake on an ungreased pan at 325 degrees F for 10 to 12 minutes

This morning I was getting the tins I stayed up late and did my baking!


Magic is in the air.

Can you feel it?

Merry Christmas my dear blogging family.

You are a precious snowflake.

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.

Blessings from Hope

Tuesday 5 December 2017

A Simple Christmas~Snow topped Almond Cookies

My favourite month has arrived!
                                     Welcome December!

                                                                                                   Fa la la la la, la la la la!

Oh the joy of season with the twinkling lights and carols playing, fills me with happy anticipation. I've always had a quiet faith in the magic of this season and this year is no different. But with only three weeks until Christmas, I'm also feeling a bit stressed.

My husband, David and I have decided that this year, the holiday season will be different. Even though we have eight children, we are on a minimalist path. Oh, I know, it’s a bit of an oxymoron, to have a large family and be minimalists but it wasn’t always that way.

In the beginning, our four older children were raised in a very consumer driven household and they have been used to having most of their wishes and dreams wrapped up in fancy paper and put under a glittering tree. Over the years though, as our younger children arrived, we have become more concerned about the state of our planet. Even though, yes, we are guilty of over populating the world, we now hope to set an example and teach our children to be conscious consumers; walking the earth as gently as possible.

Still, their Christmas wish lists are spread out before me and I struggle to know what would be the best gifts to give them this holiday. Some of the lists were emailed from University, with detailed pictures of tangible items desired. Although there’s a post script at the bottom, relaying extreme appreciation for their parent paid, post- secondary education. Then at the other end of our family spectrum, we have pencil written lists that begin with, “Dear Santa, I hope you are well.” Do I want to burst these innocent bubbles of magical expectation?

 Victoria holding up a Christmas card that says can see the window seat behind her and our view of the lake and mountains

“Oh,” what will we give them this year?” I ponder, as I fill my  red tea pot with boiling water to steep some Earl Grey tea. I look around my cozy kitchen with the old school charm.  David renovated it himself a few years ago and I love it. He took off all the cabinet fronts and stained them a calla lily white and then brushed on a tea stain, so they look old and worn. Perfect to weather our large family!

My favourite part of the kitchen is the window seat, which frames the lake view below our house. I take my big tea cup and curl up on the red checked cushion and look out the window. Kalamalka Lake is a slate blue grey this morning and the hills surrounding it are covered in white, as if Mother Nature took icing sugar and sprinkled it liberally while we slept.

Looking out at the new snow, takes me drifting back to a Christmas over 50 years ago.

It was1963 and one of the last Christmas’s my Dad was alive. A year and a half later he was killed in a truck accident. That holiday, in our sleepy, little town of Hope, B.C. which was guarded by tall, forested mountains, we received a huge dump of snow. What a magical appearance it was to wake up and find a sparkling world of peaceful white, beyond my frosted bedroom window. 

I don’t know what day of the week it was. I had just turned four years old. My days and years blended into one another, like mom’s endless laundry blowing stiffly in the winter wind on our backyard clothesline. Dad probably had worked that day. I’m sure he was tired after a full day driving truck for the Esso oil company but after dinner on the night of that big snowfall, with a glimmer in his grayish green eyes, he suggested we go and play in the snow. My sister J,  eight years old at the time, whooped with joy and was the first out the door, having perfected the art of winter dressing. My older sister’s C and B who were both teenagers, stole furtive glances at each other, to see who would proclaim they were too grown up for such childish play. Surprisingly, they started layering on sweaters, coats and hats while jabbing each other playfully. Perhaps they sensed this moment would ring in our memories for years to come. 

My mom bundled me into my red, one piece snow suit, asking again, if I wanted to use the bathroom.  I shook my head, impatient to get outside and she sighed. She put on my wool hat and tied the bow then wrapped a red plaid scarf tightly around my neck. I could barely breathe. The final touch was stuffing my hands into the mittens that were tied to the ends of my sleeves. I waddled outside like a penguin, barely able to walk. 

My Dad was artfully throwing snow balls at my sisters, who were laughingly, dodging them, as they busily worked together making a snow man. By the time I came outside, the bottom half of him was already built and his lower half was not just one big ball, but a large bottom with a wide lap to sit upon.

The air was biting cold. The sky was ink black and looking up, it felt like we were covered by a heavy quilt of quiet stillness that went on forever. The snow was wet and perfect for packing. Our snowman grew quickly into a giant. I looked at our little white clapboard house to see mom moving around, through the glowing kitchen window. Occasionally, she would peek out and I would wave my snow covered mitten and she would wave back. My Dad and sister’s voices were muffled and seem to come from far away and yet my vision was crystal clear. Everything was sharp and in focus.

Me with our magical giant snowman

Mom brought out shriveled apples for our snow man’s eyes and walnuts for his mouth. Completing his look she reached up high to stick a black top hat on his head. We stood around our snowy creation and mom, wearing only her indoor clothes and an apron said, “brrrrr,” as she snapped a picture of us. In the picture, I was nestled between our snowman’s knees, surrounded by my sisters and my Dad. Although the picture was in black and white, the colours are vivid in my memory. 

Dad had never smiled so brightly.

Me with my three older sisters and my Dad in Hope, B.C. over 50 years ago

We piled into the house, with mom clucking over the fact that her grey, linoleum kitchen floor had more snow on it than our yard. With red cheeks and good cheer, we sipped the hot cocoa and nibbled the cinnamon, sugared toast, waiting for us on the kitchen table. Out of the radio, strains of Bing Crosby crooning, “White Christmas,” flowed into our warm kitchen, with the white cabinets and red checked curtains. Oh, nothing had ever tasted better or sounded so perfect, than sitting in our little home in Hope that night, surrounded by my family. 

My dad left a legacy. Even though we didn’t have much in terms of material possessions, it was the magical moments of simple living that allowed the notes of our days, to create the music of our life. These moments played a rhythm that rooted us deeply as a family. Now that I’m a parent, it’s my turn to make these musical moments for our children.

Thank you mom and dad for bringing simple, magical moments into my life

I am consciously aware that we only have so much time with our children and then we are gone. Whatever imprint we want to leave on them, whatever wisdom we want to share, the moments are ticking by. 

Coming back to this time, I sip the last of my tea and look at my children’s Christmas wish lists laid out on the kitchen table. With a smile I wash my tea cup and start to hum, “I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.”

                           I know exactly what I want to give this year.

I hope you enjoyed that little piece I recently wrote for my writing group. I regret not finding more time to write on my blog this fall. But there are times in life when I just need to live the experiences you know what I mean? I think it was Rainer Maria Rilke who said, 

"be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer."

So that has been what I have been everything and not stopping to ask anything.

But oh! I love this season and want to share that joy with you. I hope with only three weeks until Christmas you take some time to truly enjoy the magic of the season. Let it seep into your soul and let the simple moments of life bring you the greatest happiness.

Speaking of simple moments; I have to share my recipe for snow topped almond cookies. With vanilla extract being so expensive, I have been baking with more almond extract. I forgot how much I love it. I hope you enjoy it too. When you frost these cookies with a white glaze, you can sprinkle them with red and green sparkles....or with toasted almonds to make them even more festive.

Come into my old school kitchen and let us whip up a batch to share with our family and friends.

This snowman was given to me by my mom, who loved Christmas and Christmas music...he plays the piano and sings

Snow topped Almond Cookies


1/2 cup margarine (I find the texture better when I use 1/2 margarine and 1/2 butter)
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp almond extract
2 cups flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt


1/2 cups icing sugar
1 teaspoon almond extract
1 tbsp water

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
In a medium size bowl, cream butter/margarine and sugar. Add almond extract and mix well. In a separate bowl, mix the flour, baking powder and salt. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture and combine well. Now scoop up teaspoon size cookie dough and place it on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Place in hot oven and cook for 8 minutes. Cool on cookie sheet. Glaze with icing sugar mixture and top with toasted almond slices and if making at Christmas time, add some sprinkles of your choice to make them look even more festive.

I made these for my writing group and took them in on our last day together...hope to see you all next year!
Now make a cup of tea and sit in your favourite place and munch on a few cookies. Don't you think it's the simple things that make us happiest in life? As you listen to the youtube video below, "Bing Crosby, singing; White Christmas," think about how you can create some magic this holiday season. Sledding or skating with the family?....or cuddled together watching a Christmas movie? Whatever it is, I hope peace, joy and love settles into your heart and stays for the whole year through.

From my family to yours......may the light and love of Christmas find you this season!
In the front row are from Left to right, Victoria, William and Kathryn/ in the middle are Alyssa, me and Grace and in the back are David, Harrison, Mitchell and Clark...and our cat Ryuuki
This blog post is dedicated to my Mom and Dad......and to our daughter Grace Elizabeth, who was born 15 years ago today. What a Christmas blessing you are!

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Winter's Arrival and Roasting Pumpkin Seeds

       Winter arrived on my doorstep today

                 With a frigid, magically stare,

                         She danced on brilliant autumn leaves

                                at her feet,

                                      And proclaimed she was the season

                                              most fair

                                                                  ~ Lee Reynolds~

After a difficult summer, where we endured smoke filled skies, from all the forest fires raging in our province, I was reluctant to greet Autumn. I hadn’t had enough summer. So I dragged my feet, as the new season emerged. Slowly, ever so slowly, I greeted the brisk mornings, fresh with the sweet smell of apples ripening on the trees. Ever so slowly, I greeted the changing colour of leaves, rich in jeweled hues of red, orange and yellows. I sadly said goodbye to my garden; pulling up tomatoes plants still heavy with green fruit. cutting back my raspberry canes, and was even gifted with one, perfectly red, delicious strawberry. A final farewell from the passing season.

When our oldest son Clark came into the kitchen late one afternoon, gratefully sniffing an aromatic stew, and saying how happy he was to greet warm and hearty fall meals once again, and our youngest three, started chatting excitedly about what they wanted to be for Halloween, I felt a tiny bubble of joy come to the surface, over the arrival of the autumn season.

I really must share the recipe for this was delicious and although it was meat filled, you could exchange that for vegan sausages and lots of pumpkin more about that later in this post

I had a few days where time flew, as I raked leaves with abandoned delight. I pruned shrubs and swept walkways, I stashed away our summer furniture and patio umbrellas, starting to anticipate the long, cold days of winter.  I was looking forward to spending the early parts of November continuing on this theme and believe me, there was still lots to do; plant garlic, do some trench composting, pull the last of the spinach, kale, leeks and lastly winterize our chicken coop. 

Then two days after Halloween, as I was sitting with my writing group in the historic 100 year old, former home of the artist, Sveva Caetani, it started to really snow. It had started on my drive over but it really started to dump as we all shared our writing. Warmly, sequestered inside this old home that had viewed many winters, I felt encircled and safe. Glancing outside the windows, framed in rich wood, I was swept away by the beauty and timelessness of it all. That was, until I went out and tried to drive in it.

A picture of Caetani house BEFORE, all that white stuff started to magically fall

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one to greet winter unprepared; as our city snow plows and sanding trucks were nowhere to be seen. They didn't make their appearance until the wee hours of the next morning. I did make it home from writing group, although the roads were horrendous. I was hardly able to drive up the hill into our snow laddened cul-de-sac, I decided it would be prudent to just stay put. I spent the better part of the rest of the afternoon, calling our piano teacher, cello teacher, violin teacher, and emailing a swimming coach; to let them know, our children would have to miss their lessons due to the dire weather situation.


That’s my latest new word and the other day, when I heard our little Victoria say it, after she was majorly disappointed about something, I had to laugh. It also made me aware that I had better come up with a more appropriate adjective. At least one that sounds more fitting coming out of a six year old. When I think of language, it does define a person. And when I think of the word, "bummer," I have a vision of a woman with wavy hair to her waist, wearing a long peasant type skirt, serviceable ankle boots, a thick, knitted sweater and a wool hat to match or not, but homemade for sure, all wrapped up in a thick wool shawl. That's the image I aspire to portray, but until my hair grows longer and I find some funky clothes,  alas, I must search for a new word to describe my annoyance of the season.

 By the way.....anyone want to teach me to knit this winter?

The miracle of knitting is turning a simple ball of wool into something remarkable...kind of like the seasons of our life

Anyway, the point of it all, is that I was annoyed about the arrival of fall coming and now, just as I was getting into the season of being thankful, November has arrived, dressed in a heavy, white wool coat, looking a lot like winter.


But then, maybe there is a lesson to be learned from all of this. Ha! That’s me for sure;" Hope." I'd like to believe that this word defines me better than all others. I'd like to believe I radiate, maybe not always, but for the most part, a childlike sense of faith in the goodness of this world.

I'm always trying to glean something positive from my emotions. My negative ones hold the most promise for enlightenment. And as one of my writing buds said to me recently, if we don't have darkness, there can be no light. Yes, this is so true.  The world is full of contrast and it's up to us to decide what colour we want to paint our life with.


As reluctant as I was to welcome the season of fall  into my heart, I realize, I’m doing it again. Not accepting the change of season with grace and ease. Always trying to make things harder for myself with a touch of angst. When William and the little girls came home from school last Friday night all excited about the abundant snow and the endless weekend ahead, they asked with expectant shining eyes, if  they could go sledding. I growled, “NOOOOOO, too cold.” And yes, it was something like 14 below freezing that night and I wasn't looking forward driving to our sledding hill, but the bigger reason was that I didn’t want to embrace the season fully.

I didn't want to open my door in greeting, even a crack.

Every morning for the past five days, I wake hoping I have dreamed it all. I stumble into my bathroom with cold feet, "brrrrr" and hope, I will see fall colours and blue sky...... but nope.

It's a frosty world of blue, grey and white.

I guess I am coming around to accepting winter weather is here, early November or not, I captured this image last night from our lower deck
My husband David, says, I better get use to it 'cause winter weather is here to stay for the next 4 to 5 months.

After driving the kids to school this morning, all bundled up in snow pants, coats, hats, and mittens, which took FOREVER to put on, I returned home and decided that THIS morning I would get into the spirit of the early winter weather by making myself a cup of steaming, “London Fog.” Our oldest daughter Alyssa, who spent two years teaching and adventuring in London recently, introduced me to this Earl Grey tea concoction. Recently, my husband David took me out on one of our date nights and and we stopped at Starbucks for a treat, guessed what my selection was; a London fog. Of course it was delicious there but it's really easy to make at home and you know that's what this blog is all about.....doing things I love in a sustainable way.

Here's a link to one of my new fav blogs; Kara Newman's, "the Tasting Table," where she helps us make a London Fog

To accompany that aromatic tea, I also made a steaming, hot bowl of oatmeal, loaded with almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, cranberries, and PUMPKIN seeds. (more about that later) and sprinkled with my homemade pumpkin spice mix. If you want to read my blog post about making pumpkin spice latte's...interestingly written this time last year, click here to read my Simple Pleasures post where I share my pumpkin spice mix recipe. Oh how the weather was different then.

My London Fog, made from Early Grey tea, steaming almond milk and vanilla...and oatmeal loaded with pumpkin seeds and other healthy additions...perfect for a snowy Autumn morning

Now back to this year's blog post.....

Time is a funny thing. If we take too long processing the changing seasons of life, our life is over before we know it. I don't want to live like that; dragging my butt into one season after the next. I want to be excited, like my children who were thrilled with the prospect of snow arriving. They still remember how to live in the moment, excited and grateful for all the beauty and gifts of each season. And like the word,"Bummer," which Victoria recently adopted, my children have influenced me.

My children have been my best TEACHER'S in life.  I am going to learn this lesson well and allow it to translate into other areas of my life. Instead of warming up to any occasion and carefully dipping my toe in, I plan to enthusiastically take a run and dive in with abandoned glee. As I come to the surface, I will ask my friend, “the changing season,” what do you have planned for us this year?"

So cheers!....lifting my red mug full of my homemade London Fog. Here's to another winter season!

And before I close I wanted to share a bit of what I learned recently about the power of Pumpkin Seeds.We were blessed with a lot of pumpkins this year. We grew four small ones in garden. Then around, Oct 9th, my hubbie's birthday, we took the little kids to our local pumpkin patch and got four more. Then as if we didn't have enough, our twins went on a field trip with their grade one class to a local farm orchard and selected two more pumpkins. We were abundantly wealthy in Pumpkins!

David's birthday where I made him a chocolate zucchini cake with the last of my fresh zucchini's from the garden

Children of the our Anne's Road Pumpkin Patch
Oh I'm wishing upon the GREAT Pumpkin said William with his sisters, Kate and Tori

When David and the kids were carving them last week, for Halloween, (was it just a week ago?) I made sure that they set aside enough seeds to replenish my seed supply for planting next spring but also, I wanted some to roast. I knew the seeds were a good source of zinc but after a bit of research, I found out even more and I thought, what a good blog post to share with you.

The night before Halloween the kids drew up pictures and David carved their pumpkins

Kathryn, Victoria and William, all dressed up on Halloween morning....ready for the School's yearly costume parade

Our front door with corn stalks from our garden, a homemade spider over head, wisps of spider web, and pumpkins....we had pumpkins all down our drive way too....we also play scary music coming from our garage. Sadly, we only got 19 kids this year!

My princess, Darth Vadar, and our Witch, heading out with their dad for an evening of trick or's a bit rainy tonight and our spider leg's are really moving....scary~~~

Groovy Grace heading off with her Elf fairy friend....this may be the last season of trick or treating for her...BUMMER!!!

All I learned about pumpkin seeds......

Did you know that those little kernels are loaded with way more than zinc? They are particularly beneficial to vegetarians and vegans, as they are packed with protein as well. Further, the seeds are an excellent source of vitamins and essential omega 3-6-9’s as well and have an unparalleled payload of minerals. A quarter cup of the nutty kernel has 73 per cent of the recommended daily amount of manganese, 47.7 percent for magnesium, 16.8 per cent for zinc and 15.7 per cent for iron. There is compelling research as well, that this little green seed, may help you side step Alzheimer’s,(something we should all be concerned about as we age) cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, depression, (something that happens to me in the winter) immune dysfunction and osteoporosis. Do I have to say more?

Well if you insist, this little seed boasts a dizzying array of carotenoids, polyphenols, and plant sterols that have been shown to have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. 

So if you already threw out all your pumpkin seeds after carving your jack-o-lanterns, you can always pick them up at your nearest bulk store and toss them in your salads, in your oatmeal, like I do, or even throw them on top of your winter casseroles and toss them in your stews. Who needs meat!

If you did save them,!.... let’s roast some and have a stash in our pantry. It’s easy to roast pumpkin seeds.

How to Roast Pumpkin seeds:

Simply, remove them from the pumpkin and let them dry on a cotton dish towel. Pat them dry and remove any lingering pulp off of them. Then spread them evenly on a baking sheet to let them dry for about 48 hours. Once they are dry they are ready to roast. Simply pop them into a pre-heated 200 degree F. oven for 15 to 20 minutes. Watch carefully that they don't burn. When you pull them out you can sprinkle them with some sea salt, or some garlic powder, or cumin...great if you are using them for snacking. Since I put these seeds into everything, I wait to season them depending on what I use them for. In my oatmeal today, I sprinkled my homemade pumpkin spice on top and it was so yummy.

Tasted like the best of fall and WINTER!!!

So my dear family and friends, that’s the latest from the homestead. As we travel through the last days of fall, I hope you relish each day wherever you are in the world and whatever weather you are experiencing. Mother Nature is always filled with delight and goodness. Sometimes we just need to look under the snow.

Saying goodbye as I dive into the season with Bing Crosby, Rosemary Clooney, Danny Kaye, and Vera Ellen singing "Snow," from the 1954 White Christmas movie

Until we meet again, may you be well, happy and peaceful.
Blessings from Hope